Overlord triumph studios
Overlord triumph studios

overlord triumph studios overlord triumph studios

He’s the cuddly face of evil.ĭid you get involved with the voice recording and production? Or does your job end when you deliver the script? Marc’s voice for Gnarl was so distinctive that after a while I could just write his dialogue with the voice reverberating around my head – a somewhat useful, but slightly scary, experience! I guess there’s a bit of the Kenneth Williams in Carry on Screaming about him, mixed in with a bit of the Brain Gremlin in Gremlins 2 and a sort of corrupted Yoda. The character was in the game from the start, although I named him and helped flesh him out.

overlord triumph studios

He’s voiced by the hugely talented Marc Silk, who was a real blast to work with. He’s a terrific narrative device: was he in the game from the start? Was he based on anyone? The game gets through having an essentially evil main character (we’ve never met anyone who played the game the ‘nice’ way) by the introduction of a terrific sidekick. I don’t think we were deliberately trying to ape anything in particular we were just trying to create a fun gaming experience. There are probably tribes in the heart of the Papua New Guinean rainforest that know all the words to the Dead Parrot sketch. And let’s face it a lot of it is pretty low-hanging fruit for the whole world now. I think the Dutch certainly get British comedy. It’s got a very ‘British’ feel to much of its dialogue, and seems to be inspired by some very classic UK comedy shows.

Overlord triumph studios